What is Kinesiology ?

What is Kinesiology ?

May 17, 2024

Even though I have witnessed a growing number of kinesiology practitioners over the years, many people are still unsure what kinesiology is—unless they've experienced it for themselves.

Often, when people ask me about what I do or my services, whenever I say "I use Kinesiology", I get responses like, "Kin-easy-what? What is this?"

This common reaction highlights that there is still a gap in awareness about this powerful therapy. I aim to address this and spread the word about its tremendous benefits.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a non-invasive, client-centred, holistic and integrative modality used to assess and balance the body's energy systems to restore health and wellbeing.

It allows practitioners to tap into the wisdom of our organ of truth - our body!

Our body never lies to us. The nervous system, subconscious mind, and muscles are the reservoir of all the memories of everything that ever happened to us in this lifetime (and beyond).

Kinesiology uses the principles of muscle monitoring as a natural biofeedback mechanism and various energetic systems of the body to uncover and help us decode our body's messages.

Stressors such as mental, emotional, nutritional, or physiological imbalances can be identified and addressed through kinesiology, facilitating the restoration of harmony and well-being on all levels.

Kinesiology was initially developed in the 1960s by Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor intrigued by the potential of muscle testing as a means to gather valuable information from the body. Over time, Goodheart expanded his exploration beyond traditional chiropractic techniques, integrating insights from various disciplines, including traditional Chinese medicine.

This evolution transformed kinesiology into a more holistic practice, one that not only addresses physical ailments but also considers the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit.

Dr. Goodheart's pioneering work laid the foundation for the diverse and comprehensive field of kinesiology as it is known today.

How does it work?

Kinesiology operates on the principle that the body's energy systems, including the flow of qi (or chi), play a vital role in maintaining health and vitality.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), qi is regarded as the life force or vital energy that flows through the body's meridian channels, nourishing and animating all aspects of our being.

When the qi flows freely in our body, we feel energised, balanced, and at peace. Our physical health improves, our mind becomes clearer, and our emotions stabilise.

Additionally, kinesiology acknowledges the inherent drive of every living being towards self-actualisation, while recognising the challenges we experience in life.

This understanding forms the foundation of kinesiology's approach to holistic health and well-being.

Stressors such as emotional, mental, nutritional or environmental can impede the natural flow of energy. Common emotional and mental stressors are connected to past hurts, trauma, and inner conflicts to name a few.

Imagine you're trying to decide whether to stay in a relationship that doesn't make you happy. Deep down you know the best thing for you is to move on but the fear of being alone holds you back. This fear of being alone can stem from unprocessed past emotions such as feelings of abandonment, rejection, or unworthiness. These emotions may cause you to cling to unhealthy relationships and work against your deepest knowing.

It's like having two different sides of yourself battling it out, each with its own agenda and desires pulling you in opposite directions. One part wants to leave, while the other insists on staying.

Just as two people rowing in opposite directions causes stagnation, inner resistance creates friction and disrupts the normal energy flow in your body. Your truth is to leave but the fears hold you back.

This is extremely draining for our energetic system, it's like part of you has to convince the other.

Conversely, this is also why we feel so alive and energised when we live in alignment with our true authentic selves.

Over time, this disruption in energy flow manifests physically. Stress, tension, overwhelm, pain, confusing feelings, and issues with digestion or sleep may occur. These are clear messages from our body indicating imbalance, often signaling that we have not been listening to our true selves.

These imbalances can be identified by questioning the body using muscle testing, exploring various reflex points, and assessing the energy systems in the body, which are key areas that influence the flow of qi.

By addressing these inner conflicts, imbalances and enhancing the flow of qi, kinesiology promotes the body's innate healing ability and supports overall health and well-being, aligning with the natural trajectory of self-actualization.

Kinesiology utilises a range of therapeutic tools, including counselling, acupressure, flower essences, sound vibration, essential oils, and light, to restore balance in the body.

I've expanded my practice by incorporating the Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), a branch of kinesiology that addresses learning challenges and stress-induced disruptions in brain integration.

Together with modalities like Time Line Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), and somatic work, this holistic approach provides comprehensive and tailored support for individuals on a long-term transformative journey.

Advantages of Kinesiology Over Other Therapies

Unlike some therapies that focus solely on signs and symptoms, Kinesiology enables you to quickly and effectively understand the "WHY"—the root causes behind your stress patterns (e.g., emotional, mental, spiritual, nutritional)—and piece them together.

For instance, through kinesiology, you may uncover limiting beliefs, repressed emotions, and old hurts that have not been integrated and are now influencing your current issue. Often, the "WHY" lies below our level of awareness, at a subconscious level, and is far from clear or straightforward as one might initially think.

In this regard, Kinesiology is very efficient for unearthing our unconscious programmingthe reasons behind our thoughts and actions. This is far more potent than relying solely on conscious awareness (imagine crossing the ocean with just a paddle).

Thus, when attempting to change a pattern, it's crucial to tap into the subconscious, our true power. Merely engaging in mindset work, setting resolutions, or using affirmations taps into only a fraction of our healing potential.

If deep down, we hold on to subconscious beliefs that are incongruent with our goals, we will quickly revert to our old habits.

Kinesiology helps us uncover our blind spots and gain deeper self-understanding.

The ultimate goal of any kinesiology "balance" is to identify the root cause of dysfunction and rectify it, restoring the body's natural flow of energy—allowing it to function as intended.

This is why eliminating a belief or releasing an emotion often leads to a corresponding shift in your body and can also alleviate symptoms such as pain, tension or the effect of long-term stress. People commonly report feeling lighter, clearer and have more energy.

Critical Considerations When Choosing a Kinesiologist

When selecting a kinesiologist, it's crucial to consider their qualifications and specialisation. Since the term "Kinesiologist" isn't regulated, practitioners may vary widely in their training and expertise. Some may have completed only a weekend course, while others hold a full RTO registered diploma, such as the one I earned at the College of Complementary.

I recommend researching the practitioner's training and areas of specialisation to ensure they align with your needs and preferences. This can include assessing their educational background, certifications, and any additional training or modalities they offer.

By taking these factors into account, you can make an informed decision and find a kinesiologist who is well-equipped to support your specific health and wellness goals.

I hope this has shed some light on the ins and outs of kinesiology. Quite honestly, even with all this information, I still believe the best way to understand the benefits of kinesiology is to experience it firsthand. That's why I offer a FREE 30-minute discovery session for all new clients. This session gives you an opportunity to experience kinesiology, share your struggles and aspirations, and see if we are a good fit for each other.

Book your complimentary session HERE.