How I Came Out Of The Spiritual Closet

How I Came Out Of The Spiritual Closet

Mar 03, 2023

Not many people know this, but I hold a Doctorate in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

I loved my studies, captivated by the idea that our lives could be understood through complex molecular interactions. I was intrigued by how changing these molecular structures could influence human behaviour.

I started in the corporate world. At first, it was great—decent salary, my first car, independence.

Over the years this grew into, "Is this it? Am I going to do this for the rest of my life?' It really felt empty.

In search for answers, my first big move was to quit everything and move to Australia. But this was not it, as the missing piece was still not in sight, I thought about a career change.

After exploring a few things, I came across a weekend introduction to Kinesiology and I was hooked from the start!
It really resonated with me, I felt at home.

I remember at the beginning of class: "But where is the double-blind placebo trial to show this?"

I realised very quickly that I had to let this go to let go of this mindset and trust what my heart was telling me.

I remember my work colleagues asking me what I was studying. I would say Chinese medicine, acupressure because I was too ashamed, to tell the truth, so I deemed it down.

The more I leaned in my studies and felt the shift in myself (I would receive 2 balances a week) the more I let this go. In the end, I was able to tell the truth without hiding.


I was still stuck in my head and words like divine, angels, etc would make me cringe.

About a year into practicing, I started receiving more and more information about things my clients would hold in (deep thoughts, or block) without needing to use muscle testing.

I had strong intuitions. I was scared about how the person would react or even make them feel uncomfortable but decided to take a leap of faith and trust it.

The more I received confirmations that I was receiving was on point for my clients, the more I leaned into it, the more it came out.

I learned other modalities which allowed me to explore past lives and over time my belief system completely changed.

My own past life visions would also explain to me why I was so scared to openly share my intuitive gifts (outside of my sessions).

After the death of a family member a couple of years ago, my gifts blew to the next level. I received many messages from him which reinforced my idea of the afterlife. I have no doubt. We can connect with our loved ones...

I now integrate all my learning & gifts in my sessions, I don't just follow a script.

I moved from lurking into energy work without admitting it, to fully seeing blocks in a person's energy body, and receiving messages about where they came from. Chakras are real not just a new-age cool thing.

We sometimes get visits during our sessions - spirit guides, and passed loved ones - if it is in the highest interest of the person to know about it, I will share this openly. If I know they are not ready, we just don't go there.

I'm talking about this lightly. This was huge for me. I know there is more in store for me, way more to recover. I also have more layers of fears and limiting beliefs to peel back to get there.

To recover this for me, was allowing who I really was to exist, not just pushing her down, trying to fit in, to avoid criticism and judgement.

To allow the true version of ourselves to come out, we need to unlearn our ancestral, childhood and societal programming that are keeping us in a box!!!

We are way more powerful than we realise and way more than just a bunch of molecules.

I often come across in my 1:1 sessions, people who have a deep interest in energy work or having a spiritual practice (e.g meditation, rituals, learning more about the spirit world etc) but are holding back because of the fear of showing their spiritual side, being judged or ridiculed.

I hope my story can help you. There are way more layers to this story than I could fit here.

It is very normal to be scared about the unseen, the spirit world, claiming our intuition back. There have been so many ancestral traumas, scary movies, taboos, repression, and ridicule over time. Unless you are brought into it from a very young age by a supporting family, it can be a challenging journey to do.

Apart from the accepted religious beliefs, we would never discuss any of this when I grew up. It was all very mind, facts & logic orientated.

If we hold back a part of who we are, we will never feel whole, complete or free. There will always be something missing, whether what you are holding back is a spiritual side or something else.

It is often the judgement we hold about ourselves that is keeping us stuck.

👉If you want to release these fears, limitations, beliefs that are keeping you trapped in a version of yourself that no longer fits and find the strength to show your real self so you can follow your dreams, book a FREE 30min alignment call!

We will chat about your aspirations and intentions and define what is in your way. I will then guide you toward the most aligned way to work with me whether a 1:1 session or my program.